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  • Welcome to the Awakened Self!

    The Awakened Self journey will help you Awaken and Live an authentic life. Listening, hearing, and living your own truths. The Awakened Self website is a place where you will find many choices to help you Awaken to the voice of your spirit and soul.

    All information posted to this site is intended to be inspirational whether it takes you on a journey inward to know yourself better, or outward to better understand how the world has shaped your beliefs and perceptions.

    (Read a special message from Dr. Sharon...)

  • The entry to the Awakened Self begins here!

    Press on any Petal of the Water Lily below to enter a surprise Portal to Awakening. Each topic in the Navigation bar leads to many more portals to help you Awaken.
  • this is a picture of a water lilly this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily this is a picture of a waterlily inner right small inner rear left this is a picture of a waterlily edge left edge right edge bottom left edge bottom
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