Follow this link (click on the picture) to do guided Chair Yoga. A number of different positions are included. This is great if you are not confident to do yoga on the floor or are just beginning a yoga practice. Yoga not only stretches out our limbs, but more importantly it helps us to still […]
Have you ever wondered if your words have power? If so, what is the effect? Does it only affect our conscious awareness, or is there an effect at a deeper cellular level? I was recently reminded of the power of words and felt that it would be helpful to post the video of Dr. Masaru […]
Being human implies that we will always have emotions because that is part of our biological makeup…the trick is “how we handle” those emotions–what we do with them. I believe that most of us have learned to react to our emotions, not taking the time to pause and reflect on the situation and our emerging […]
Being in love pushes all your buttons! What’s happening when you feel irritated at your partner for not recognizing or meeting one of your unmet needs? Is it him or her? Or is it you? Would you like to know how to tease apart what is yours and what is not? How do you do […]
As we witness our own mind from inside, we learn that this witness-consciousness is part of the heart-mind. In his book, “Be Love Now,” Ram Dass reminds us that our heart-mind is our awareness turned inward, awareness of the spiritual universe within, and the quality of that awareness, the feeling that accompanies it, is love.” […]
This posting is focused upon the work of one of the great healers that I admire, Jim Self. My admiration for his ability to help others heal goes deep because he was pivotal in helping to save someone who I love very much who was going through a very dark time in his life. As […]
When we are in the midst of our own attachments, it seems that nothing goes right. We want this, but we get that. We expect something to be one way and yet the universe has other ideas. Perhaps there is a seed of wisdom within the dilemma we are facing (or running from). That seed […]
In this talk, Ram Dass reminds us that thoughts create our experiences and thus our reality. When we can still our minds, we rest in the HERE AND NOW, opening our hearts to hear the message of our inner voice. We don’t have to use thoughts to explain what is happening…still your mind to hear […]
How many of us search for the elusive “self” within? Who are we? How did we become the person that we are? Can we change? Is there a difference between the self and the Self? Read on and PLEASE SHARE… Click here
Grand Master Mantak Chia demonstrates and summarizes the importance of abdominal massage which frees stuck chi (energy) within the organs to allow for greater bloodflow and chi-flow throughout the organs of our body. Use these techniques for a “self-massage” practice that will result in better health and well-being. Each night before bed, lie on your […]