Our Soul’s Story
What is our Soul’s Story and how can we unravel it? The Awakened Self journey will take you through the terrain of the map that you have followed in your life. What is on your map? How did it get there? Maps are useful to help us get to our destination, but what happens if when our map is outdated, missing vital information that we need now? Maps need to be revised to be accurate.
The links on this page lead to webinars that I gave as pre-events leading to Dr. Stanley Krippner’s workshop, YOUR SOUL’S STORY held at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) in Petaluma, CA in 2012. In these webinar I discuss what it means to awaken and how we can uncover the elements of your Soul Story that need revising. I hope that you find the webinars helpful to your AWAKENING.
A brief description of each webinar follows: