
Sexuality and Orgasm

No doubt that our biology and physiology combine to create our urges, but is there a way to use this powerful energy to advance our spiritual connection to another (and simultaneously create better health for yourself and your partner!)? The answer is a resounding YES!

tree_trunksChi Kung teaches us that our sexual energy is the most powerful energy that we can create and when that energy is circulated within the energy systems of the body, greater health and well-being results. We learn to run our chi in the Microcosmic Orbit which is simply a loop that runs down the front of your body and loops around to the back in the spinal area, over your head and then connected to the front again by placing the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth…that completes the loop. Run your sexual energy in your imagination in this Microcosmic Orbit when you and your partner have intercourse. More information on the Microcosmic Orbit can be found here: Microcosmic Orbit

Chi Kung teaches us to use the energy of the universe to achieve mastery on many levels: physical, spiritual, medical, emotional. If you are interested in learning more about this, I recommend that you read Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy by Mantak Chia. Although the title indicates that it is a book for males, females will find this information helpful in cultivating one’s sexual energy and transforming it into vitality. This link leads to more information on his website about the Microcosmic Orbit.

pink_flowersTaoist Secrets of Love

To round off this post, I am linking you to another approach that takes our sexuality and moves it into a higher spiritual dimension where our souls can touch one another and “make love.” Ram Dass’s wisdom once again helps us to realize our potential by providing us with useful information to questions we have about our humanness. He speaks of Tantra, but I find that the information is similar to what sexual Chi Kung teaches. Two of his podcasts speak to this subject: Sex and Spirituality and Orgasm and Transcendence

Ram Dass reminds us that when we lust after another, we are seeing them as an object. With love and the desire to transcend this predicament, we join our partners with our hearts as well move the energy upwards from the lower chakras to the higher centers. Each partner benefits from the soulful connection as well as the chi moving through the body.