The Message of Water
Have you ever thought about the power of words? Dr. Masaru Emoto explains his process of capturing the effects of words upon water. Did you know that we are over 60% water? Do our thoughts and words affect our health? Read on…

Be-“aware” of your thoughts and words…
In 2004, I attended a conference in Santa Monica, CA where a number of consciousness researchers gathered to discuss the implications of the film, “What the Bleep Do we Know?” The speakers at this conference consisted of quantum physicists, molecular biologists, psychologists and a water researcher.
They discussed the nature of consciousness and reality and the power of the mind to actually affect the world around us. I encourage all of you to watch the film to discover the secrets of consciousness revealed in “What the Bleep Do We Know?!?!?!”
One of the speakers was a well-known molecular biologist, Candace Pert. Dr. Pert teaches at Georgetown University in Washington DC and is the person credited with discovering the opiate receptor site in the brain which is responsible for endorphin production. In one of her books, “The Molecules of Emotion” she stated that altered states of consciousness are altered emotions. Our emotions have an effect on the body and mind. She actually used the term bodymind because she did not feel it was appropriate to separate the two because of the interactive effects between the mind and the body.
Molecules of emotion are everywhere throughout the body, not just in the brain. We experience consciousness which if followed by the production of neuropeptides. Our emotions trigger our subconscious personalities through this interaction of neurochemicals and our focus of attention. The body is one’s subconscious mind because our bodies become used to the neurochemical combinations produced whenever we experience any emotional state. This produces a need for future release of the same chemical combinations. Whenever we experience an emotional state, our brain forms neural connections that wire together, increasing the likelihood that we will reenact the same emotions again. In a sense, we become addicted to various emotional states.
In the film, “What the Bleep” she discussed the effects of our emotions upon the neural networks established in the brain. The more we feel or allow an emotion to arise, the stronger the connections become in that neural network. When we allow past experiences to color the way we interpret the present situation, we strengthen the neural connection and the brain becomes addicted to feeling the emotions that are generated. This suggests that if we are to overcome negative emotions, we have to break the cycle.
Laughing is a wonderful way to diffuse any situation and serves to break the negative feelings, emotions, and behaviors that we tend to repeat. Laughing also is a good immunity building behavior. New brain cells, or neurons, arise from the bone marrow, which tells us that we have an infinite capacity to heal. Interestingly, Pert advised that our addictions suppress the rate of which new brain cells are produced. Addiction to drugs or addiction to behaviors and emotions are similar in their effects on the bodymind.
When we meditate, use imagery for healing, listen to music, or simply say loving things to ourselves, we are affecting the bodymind towards well-being. When we can create a blissful state of consciousness we are feeling a surge of endorphins. An endorphinergic state is a bliss state when there is a lack of separation and a feeling of union. Prayer, meditation, and affirmations affect consciousness and the molecules in the bodymind. Pert said, “I know forgiving myself and others for errors of the past allows me to heal.” Verbal imagery, affirmations, music are all used for psychosomatic wellness.
This leads me to Masaru Emoto’s water studies, which were introduced in the film, “What the Bleep Do we Know?” Emoto’s work suggests that our intentions, or thoughts, may effect the macroworld. Water is essential to life as we all know. Our bodies are about 70% water as adults, thus Emoto’s research with the effects of thoughts, words and music upon water is important to our knowledge about the bodymind connection. Our thoughts and words carry vibrations that are recorded in water.
He started with water because it is life. It cures. The properties of water are also different. When water becomes solid it forms ice crystals. As with snowflakes, no two crystals are the same. Water is such that if we put ice into water, the ice actually floats. Other solid substances in nature do not have this quality. When something is heavy or solid, it tends to sink in water, but not so with ice. Information, thoughts or words, are energy. Water has the ability to record vibration.
With these ideas in mind, Emoto decided to test the effects of words on water. After exposing water for 24 hours to various words, pictures and music, he froze the water to see if these conditions had any affect on the crystallization of the water molecules. Even polluted water that fails to form crystals can be made more “pure.” After exposing water that failed to form crystals to positive words, such as “thank you” or “love,” when that water was refrozen and filmed, beautiful crystals formed this time. He also exposed water to classical, Celtic and hard rock music, each having a different effect on the water’s ability to form crystals.
The implications from the results of his work reminds us that we need to be more aware of what we expose our bodies to—words, thoughts, music. We are affected by the words of others at a molecular level. We are affected by the music we listen to at the molecular level. We are affected by the things we view. As one of the actors stated in the film, “What the Bleep Do We Know?!?!?,” if words can affect water in such a way, imagine what our thoughts must do to our bodies. Give that some thought.